Aug 13, 2009

8/10 and 8/12


5 x 5 (2 foot with 2 feet) box jumps
5 x 5 (6inch with 1 foot) box jumps/ leg

5 x (1 min wall sit, 1 min rest)


1/2 mile warmup
sprint 400m (67 seconds)

3 min of sprint 100m every 30 seconds
you have 30 seconds to run the 100m and rest before then next one

6 x 100m accelerators

50m lunges
50m slow schuffle (should take about a minute)

ice bath

Aug 10, 2009

Get warm, get loose

3 rounds of:
(6 x 16" double leg box jumps,
6 per leg 16" single leg box jumps,
6 per leg 16" single leg lateral box jumps,
6 per leg skaters, focusing on balance
12 deep split jumps,
6 calf jumps)

100yds forward crab walk
2x(100yd accelerator, 5 knee-tuck pullups)
100yds backward crab walk
2x(100yd accelerator, 5 knee-tuck pullups)
100yds walk-out pushups
2x100yd accelerator
100yds spider crawl
2x100yd accelerator
100yds walking lunges
2x100yd accelerator
100yds walking lunges
2x100yd accelerator

5x1 door frame L-hang pullups