Sep 5, 2009

Post-bacon Workout

With Frenchy, DJ, and Sanborn. Focus was footwork and acceleration.

10x(sprint 3yd, backpedal 3yd, sprint 3yd, backpedal 3yd, sprint 10yd)
10x(10 seconds fast feet to 10yd sprint)*
30 second endzone cut/defend drill**
15 body builders
5 rounds of comeback drill, 1 layout per round
100yd marking shuffles fast (50 out, 50 back)
100yd marking shuffles slow (50 out, 50 back)

*mixing up the orientation of fast feet, so you have to turn into the sprint in different ways

**1 thrower, 1 cutter, 1 defender. The cutter tries to score as many times as he can within 10 seconds, the thrower only throws when he's open, the defender tries to shut him down and bid whenever possible. Keep track of goals caught. We did one round of offense and one round of defense with each partner.

Sep 1, 2009

Start of College Season

Went to the gym and focused on leg strength:

15 , 12 @ 315lbs Leg Press
12 , 9 @ 355lbs Leg Press
12 , 10 , 9 @ 100 lbs Leg left (quad machine)
3 x 10 Hamstring curls - right hamstring @ 30lbs, left @ 50lbs - didnt want to push too much here, trying to baby my broken hamstrings back into shape
3 x 8 Hack Squat @ 200lbs
5 x 9 Hammer strength at 60lbs, 80lbs, 100lbs, 120lbs, 140lbs
15 mins on Bike

followed by light pickup and then 2 hours of Machine practice.