Aug 8, 2009


Spades: DB sumo deadlift high pulls, 15lb
Hearts: DB push press, 15lb
Clubs: pushups
Diamonds: full body crunches

Total time: 14:40

That's what I did today.

Aug 7, 2009

Snertz Workout

Riz and I tried to go through a Snertz workout. Went relatively well, though we had a little more rest than I wouldve liked and were forced to reduce the reps of a few exercises (limited mostly due to my buggy hamstring and me getting out of shape while it healed).

Snertz Ultimate Workout:

Mile Warm-up Jog
4 x 100yds strides at 50%
2 x 40yds karaoke at 50%
2 x 40yds shuffles at 50%
2 x 40yds high knees
2 x 40yds butt kickers
2 x 40yds exaggerated skips at 50%
20 pushups, 80 situps


4 x 15 squat jumps - sprint 40 yards after each set (After 2 sets I reduced it to 10 squatjumps)
4 x 15 tuck jumps - sprint 40 yards after each set (tuck jumps - jump as high as you can while tucking your knees to chest, go for height and as little time on the ground as possible)

20 pushups, 80 situps

2 x 40yds Lunge and twists - focus on controlling with your quads and dont let your knees slam into the ground
2 x 40yds One legged hopes for distance - 20yds on one leg, switch
2 x 10 Forward cone hops - (cone hop, jump over a cone while tucking your knees to chest trying to get as high as possible)
2 x 10 Sideways cone hops

20 pushups, 80 situps

10 x 5-10-5 shuttle/cone runs - run 5yds, touch line, return to baseline, run 10yds out, return to baseline, run 5 yds out, return to baseline (total of 40 yards per set - I did this wrong the first time around. I started in the middle, ran 5 yards out, ran 10 yards (5yds past baseline) and returned to baseline for a total of 20 yards. whoops. however, by this time I was so tired and low on sugar (i brought only water) that I wasnt thinking straight)

10 x 40yds explosions - *just* a 40 yard sprint.

4 x 100yds strides at 50%
Half-mile cool down.

As little rest as possible inbetween reps. the goal is to simulate an ultimate game. sometimes you get an extended rest when Glenn is sitting cross-legged on the field protesting a call, other times you're covering a kid like Greg that just never stops cutting (until you take out his ACL. - too soon?)

Courtesy of the Snertz Workout which can be found at:


my workout

3 x 10 one arm snatches w/ 30lbs (per arm)
30 calf raises with 60 lbs

core workout

10 x
5 raised leg push ups w/ hands on dumbbells (allows for deeper push up)
ab exerciese (down the ladder and back up)

for the abs i did
leglifts, full body crunches, flutter kicks, scissor kicks, 3point crunches(left center right =1)

Aug 6, 2009


I did a deck of cards workout today.

Spades - burpees
Hearts - squats
Clubs - full body crunches
Diamonds - pushups
Jokers - run 1/2 mile

time was 26:32

what have you done today?