Sep 1, 2009

Start of College Season

Went to the gym and focused on leg strength:

15 , 12 @ 315lbs Leg Press
12 , 9 @ 355lbs Leg Press
12 , 10 , 9 @ 100 lbs Leg left (quad machine)
3 x 10 Hamstring curls - right hamstring @ 30lbs, left @ 50lbs - didnt want to push too much here, trying to baby my broken hamstrings back into shape
3 x 8 Hack Squat @ 200lbs
5 x 9 Hammer strength at 60lbs, 80lbs, 100lbs, 120lbs, 140lbs
15 mins on Bike

followed by light pickup and then 2 hours of Machine practice.


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