Dec 23, 2008

Greetings from Sunny California

Its 63 and sunny.

1/2 mile warmup, stretch

Plyo/Agility Circuit, 3 times through
30 Squats
30 Lunges
20 Squat Jumps
20 Split Jumps

50 Toe Taps (on a curb)
20 Ankle Hops (20 Per ankle)
5 U-Cone Shuffles
26 Ice Skaters

1/2 Mile Warmdown, stretch

U-Cone Shuffles - Set up 4 cones in a U shape. about 15 yards from top of the U to bottom, and 5-10 yards wide. Start at top of one side, back pedal to bottom, shuffle to the other side, sprint to the top of the other side. Repeat.

Ice Skaters - Set up 2 cones about 2 yards apart. Start off on the outside leg with the inside leg up, explode sideways and land on the other leg on the other side. Should look like a speed skater motion (look it up on youtube if you cant picture it)


So sun and temperature made me a little too ambitious. Tried to keep <15 seconds between each exercise and 1 minute between cycles. Workout was harder than i thought. Completed only 2 cycles. Started third, got to split jumps. then failed. Damnit.

Skipped rest of third cycle, finished up with ab and back workout as follows:
20x Pushups
50x Crunches
15x Pushups
50x Supermans
15x Pushups
3 x 1 Minute Planks (1 Minute on Front and each Side)

It starts now.

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