Jan 19, 2009

Medicine Ball Circuit

With a 5kg medicine ball,

3 rounds:
(20 med ball squats,
20 pushups,
20 med ball alternating chops)

full recovery

3 rounds:
(20 med ball catch, crunch + toss,
20 med ball backhands,
20 med ball forehands,
1:00 rest)

Rest for the first 3 rounds was that Frenchy and I alternated at the end of each round. I did my pushups on the medicine ball for the first round. We timed the first three rounds, and my times were 1:53, 1:28, 1:31 (so those were Frenchy's rest times, mine were around the same). Medicine Ball Backhands/Forehands were just a lunge out to the proper side, and a double-hand throw across the body for backhand or what was basically a shot-put throw for forehand. Maybe they don't mimic the motion very well, but we figured it could increase power through hip rotation in the lunge position, and that can't be bad. The first three rounds were significantly harder than the last three, for me.

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