Aug 7, 2009

Snertz Workout

Riz and I tried to go through a Snertz workout. Went relatively well, though we had a little more rest than I wouldve liked and were forced to reduce the reps of a few exercises (limited mostly due to my buggy hamstring and me getting out of shape while it healed).

Snertz Ultimate Workout:

Mile Warm-up Jog
4 x 100yds strides at 50%
2 x 40yds karaoke at 50%
2 x 40yds shuffles at 50%
2 x 40yds high knees
2 x 40yds butt kickers
2 x 40yds exaggerated skips at 50%
20 pushups, 80 situps


4 x 15 squat jumps - sprint 40 yards after each set (After 2 sets I reduced it to 10 squatjumps)
4 x 15 tuck jumps - sprint 40 yards after each set (tuck jumps - jump as high as you can while tucking your knees to chest, go for height and as little time on the ground as possible)

20 pushups, 80 situps

2 x 40yds Lunge and twists - focus on controlling with your quads and dont let your knees slam into the ground
2 x 40yds One legged hopes for distance - 20yds on one leg, switch
2 x 10 Forward cone hops - (cone hop, jump over a cone while tucking your knees to chest trying to get as high as possible)
2 x 10 Sideways cone hops

20 pushups, 80 situps

10 x 5-10-5 shuttle/cone runs - run 5yds, touch line, return to baseline, run 10yds out, return to baseline, run 5 yds out, return to baseline (total of 40 yards per set - I did this wrong the first time around. I started in the middle, ran 5 yards out, ran 10 yards (5yds past baseline) and returned to baseline for a total of 20 yards. whoops. however, by this time I was so tired and low on sugar (i brought only water) that I wasnt thinking straight)

10 x 40yds explosions - *just* a 40 yard sprint.

4 x 100yds strides at 50%
Half-mile cool down.

As little rest as possible inbetween reps. the goal is to simulate an ultimate game. sometimes you get an extended rest when Glenn is sitting cross-legged on the field protesting a call, other times you're covering a kid like Greg that just never stops cutting (until you take out his ACL. - too soon?)

Courtesy of the Snertz Workout which can be found at:


gkarnas said...

Dave, how long did this take you?? I would def like to add this to my repertoire

Unknown said...

glen, no you dont. when he said puking is part of the process, he wasnt lying. you'll puke if you do all that.

gkarnas said...

ok, i guess i dont want to see my lunch more than once a day...