Dec 5, 2010


AMRAP for 10 min

7 back squats @155#
10 overhead walking lunges (right hand) 45#
7 burpees
10 overhead walking lunges (left hand) 45#

4 rounds. compared to last time which was 4 rounds + 7 squats at 145# and 35#

Oct 17, 2010

In lieu part 2

5 rounds for time:
10 squats* at 95lb
10 pushups at +10lb
*first 3 rounds front squat, last 2 back squat
Completed in 6:45

50 DB lunge and press 10lb
50 incline situp and press with 25lb plate
50 hanging knee-up
5x10 hanging shrugs

Oct 16, 2010

In lieu of the TNMT

Skipped the home tournament to visit my girl on her birthday, but I'm still putting the work in.

Row 500m in 1:50
4 pullup traverses
10 hang cleans 95lb
5 snatches 95lb
Deadlift: 5 at 135, 185, 205, 225, 245lb
10 upright BB row 45lb
10 high pull 75lb
10 upright close grip BB row 55lb
10 upright DB row 25lb
6 bent-over BB row 95lb
6 bent-over wide grip BB row 95lb
2x10 nancies* 25lb
DB farmers walk 45lb
10 cable extensions per arm 12lb

Nancies: DB row, but one side at a time in a yoga lunge, knee bent on the same side as the arm lifting the DB, opposite hand flat on the floor outside the forward foot.

Aug 16, 2010

AM run

went for a 2 mile run this morning before work. as i was jogging down the block i decided that i was going to turn it in to an interval run and sprint up all the hill on the college ave loop. total of 1000m of sprinting. finished the 2 mile run in 13:30.

what did you do to help the team

Aug 15, 2010


Glenn and i did the following. having never done weighted pullups before we decided to start at 10# and work our way up to 40#.

1,1,1,1,1,1,1 weighted pullups.

after the last set we went back down the weight ladder doing as many as we cound untill failure for each weight. Here were my numbers


Aug 12, 2010

track and gym

went to the track with jude and did the following:

Warm up.

4 laps of walk 100, jog 100, sprint 200.

5 minutes rest.(throwing)

6x200m 90 sec (31-33 sec for each 200)

5 minutes rest.(throwing)

2 laps of jogging curves and accelerating straights.

4 minutes rest.(throwing)

4x200m 90 sec (33-35 sec for each 200)

5 minutes rest.(throwing)

total was 2800m of sprinting

the following day i hit the gym with geoff and did the following:

Bench press 10,8,6,3 reps at 95,115,125,135 lbs
clean and press 3x5 at 95lbs
shoulder iso with 10lbs/arm
lunge and press with 10lbs/arm (10 lunges per leg)
2x pullups till failure

army abs + 1 min of mobile planks

Aug 10, 2010


Recently I have been posting my workouts on another blog for the mixed team I'm playing with this summer. Enough is enough and its time to get back to how I learned ultimate, FMUMF.

My past 2 workouts were:

Friday August 6th, myself and Mike Oaks went to Werblin, after running to CAG to see that it was closed, and did the following

swim 400m

AMRAP(As Many Reps As Possible) for 10 min
115# squat cleans 6 reps
6 pullups
24 tuck jumps

both of us completed 4 rounds

Monday August 9th Glenn and myself went to CAG and did the following (frenchys weights)

jog to the gym and static stretching

AMRAP for 10 min of
150# Back Squat, 7 reps
35# Overhead walking lunge 10 steps (right hand)
7 burpees
35# Overhead walking lunge 10 steps (left hand)

Completed 4 rounds + 7 squats

ran 1.5 miles after in 11:12

(# = pounds, lbs)
what have you done to help the team this summer?

Jun 10, 2010

lunch work

headed over to Werblin during my lunch break here is what went down:

warm up
10 squats
10 pushups
10 burpees
static stretching

5x3 cleans @(115,135,135,145,155)
i tried to get 1 did not go well

squats (10@135, 10@185, 8@195, 5@205)

May 20, 2010

5/19/2010 (Hittin the track)

sorry i have not been up dating this (if anyone actually looks at it). i have been busy with NJ mixed things and starting work.

Hittin the track

French and Glenn did the following workout

1 lap warmup + stretching and dynamics
2 laps of (walk 100, jog 100, sprint 200)
sprint ladder 100,200,300,400,400,300,200,
100 rest is walk what you just ran.

total distance sprinted = 2400 meters

sushi afterwards. nomnomnomnomnom!

what did you do today.

May 5, 2010

5/1/2010 and 5/5/2010


Static stretching

5x5 muscle ups on assistance machine w/ 40lbs

4x5 snatch at 95lbs + 10 push ups w/ raised legs

2x5 thruster at 115lbs

3x10 lunges at 115 lbs

after each set of the thrusters and lunges was 5 dead hangs


Five rounds of:
5 Dumbbell deadlifts
5 Dumbbell hang cleans
5 Dumbbell push presses
5 Dumbbell squats

Increase the load each round. Rest as necessary between rounds.


the last round was so difficult. if the weights are chosed properly this workout is difficult

20 min on the bike doing random hills at level 14

Apr 29, 2010


static stretch for warmups

5 x 3 back squat +5 deadhangs

Loads were 185, 205, 215, 225, 235 lbs

deadhang = pull up and return to the absolute bottom so that arms hang dead.

Apr 26, 2010


Warmup with brief static + dynamic stretching

CFWoD for time
** replaced with squat and press due to bad weather ball was 12 lbs
*replaced with pullups due to not being able to do a muscle up yet

50 wall ball shots**
10 muscle ups*
40 wall ball shots
8 muscle ups
30 wall ball shots
6 muscle ups
20 wall ball shots
4 muscle ups
10 wall ball shots
2 muscle ups

time was 5:46

20 med ball push ups alternating hands on the ball
100 lunges alternating between ball at chest and overhead every 10 reps
50 russsian twists w/ ball
50 toe touches w/ ball

Apr 24, 2010


5min exercise bike + static stretching

CFWoD: 3 rounds for time of 15 x 135lb* power hang clean + 15 burpees
*I did it with 110lbs

Frenchys time 9:22
Glenns time 8:55

Post workout Brower

Apr 23, 2010


5 min excercise bike warm up

5 rounds for time and load of
3 back squats
20 dips* dips were done on assistance machine with 70lbs assistance

time was 8:18 and load was 205lbs

20 min exercise bike speed intervals.

what did you do today?

Apr 21, 2010

sectionals 2011

the work begins now.

CFWoD: (crossfit workout of the day)

Clean one rep every minute on the minute for 15 minutes.

loads were


Jan 5, 2010

Swim Swim Swim

I hate running. I really don't understand why I play ultimate, maybe i just like chasing after white discs.

25 laps at werblin lap pool (1 lap = there and back ): 20 freestyle, 5 breaststroke.