Aug 10, 2010


Recently I have been posting my workouts on another blog for the mixed team I'm playing with this summer. Enough is enough and its time to get back to how I learned ultimate, FMUMF.

My past 2 workouts were:

Friday August 6th, myself and Mike Oaks went to Werblin, after running to CAG to see that it was closed, and did the following

swim 400m

AMRAP(As Many Reps As Possible) for 10 min
115# squat cleans 6 reps
6 pullups
24 tuck jumps

both of us completed 4 rounds

Monday August 9th Glenn and myself went to CAG and did the following (frenchys weights)

jog to the gym and static stretching

AMRAP for 10 min of
150# Back Squat, 7 reps
35# Overhead walking lunge 10 steps (right hand)
7 burpees
35# Overhead walking lunge 10 steps (left hand)

Completed 4 rounds + 7 squats

ran 1.5 miles after in 11:12

(# = pounds, lbs)
what have you done to help the team this summer?

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