Dec 30, 2008

Planet Granite

Went to the rock gym.

Planned on climbing, but too lazy to pass the belaying exam, so i used their weight room instead.

Warmed up with 500m sprint on rowing machine - 1:43
12 x 45, 95, 115, 135 lbs - Squats
10 x 45, 115, 135, 135 lbs- Dead Lifts
3 x 12 - 125lb Lat Pulldowns
3 x 12 - 250lb Leg Press
Ab Circuit
4 x 10 100lbs Hip abductor and adducter machine
Finished off with 2000m on the rowing machine - 8:12.3

Tried some pullups after all that. It was sad. that's all i'll say about that.

Weather's nice. Might go up to the city and run the golden gate bridge. It's 68 and sunny.

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