Apr 16, 2009

Formats and FMUMF

When an imminent and anticipated challenge changes in size or nature at the last moment, when your mental preparations seem ill-suited to the new task at hand, when your strategic defenses on the northern front have prevented you from seeing the attack from the east, it takes an uncommon stature, an agile mind, an adroit tactician to turn this potential setback into opportunity for success that is all the more impressive.

Though the path we take may be unfamiliar, we know exactly where we are going. We also know how we will get there--we can see the steps out ahead of us, and even if they appear slippery or unstable in places we will see that each step will provide a solid foundation for the next. As we move from one to the next, we will be ever more sure-footed, until the final step is one made in absolute confidence.

Know too that each of your teammates is making this journey with you. Indeed, it began a long time ago, and perhaps we have each joined at different times or taken different routes to the present, but the next stretch will be shared by all. When I see my friends on the field breaking their defender's ankles to bust open deep, I will help make sure the path is clear for them--and then I'm going to follow them to that endzone, celebrating each individual success as a team.

Because that's the secret. Win your individual battles and trust your teammates to do the same. Team defense, team offense. Stand on your own feet, pick your teammates up when they falter, and keep fighting every moment you are on that field.

And to all the haters? Get the fuck out of my house.

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