Aug 23, 2009

Mixed practice? eh.....

Mixed practice with Jug today..... not the most intense practice, but nevertheless my second of the summer with them, and my first LEGIT practice since, um, the fall I believe.

Did mostly light, strategical stuff.  Worked up a sweat working on endzone offense and zone D, but not much else.

Until the end when did comeback drills, 5 rounds per person.  Running 40 yards deep at full sprint, the chop steps and the halting of momentum, the explosion of momentum in the other direction.  And then I remembered what Machine was all about.  Afterwards a slight tingling sensation in the lungs and the pain as I gaped for oxygen like a fish out of water.  And my first taste of something Real in a while, at least in terms of drills.  Awful or delicious, Thales? 

deliz, my friend, it's awfully delizjuss...........

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