Aug 26, 2009

Up and at-em

got up early this morning to workout before work mostly because i was to busy to do it yesterday but it also is going to help me get in the mindset for a tournament.

Murder Deck of Cards

spades(s) = high pulls
hearts(h) = lunges
clubs(c) = leglifts
diamonds(d) = push press

these exercises are done with 15lb dumbells in each hand

finished in 20:52

my draw

Jd, 4d, Qh, 9d, 2s, Qc, 9c, 2d, 3d, 7d, Kh, 7c, 6h, 9h, 6s, Ad, Qd, 8h, 5s, 8d, Kc, 4h, 5d, qs, 10h, 8c, Jc, 10d, 8s, As, Jh, 6d, 7s, 9s, Ks, 3h, 2h, Ah, 3s, 2c, Js, 4s, 10c, 5h, 7h, 6c, 4c, 10s, 3c, Ac, 5c, Kd

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