Dec 6, 2008

Buccleuch Pickup, plus lifting

DJ, Frenchy and I went to Buccleuch Pickup to get some before going house-hunting. After checking out a place that could be next year's Frisbee House, we went back for some more.

After pickup, Frenchy and I hit the gym. My workout:

12 pullups
6 pullups
8 BB hang pulls, 55lb
8 BB pulls, 55lb
active rest: incline situps
8 BB deadlift to hang pull, 65lb
20 vertical leg-raises (partner throws legs down)
15 vertical leg-raises
32 situps (every other 4 are to alternating sides)

Later for me, 100 pushups. 20 for getting boxed out, 20 for not getting that D, and 10 for miscellaneous. 50 for failing a teammate on his own time--even a receiver drop is a thrower error.

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