Jan 10, 2009

Dumbbells and Sweat

Pyramid Set:

10x(deadlift with a bent-over row,
high pull, curl, shoulder press) with 15lb DBs
15 seconds rest
10x(deadlift with a bent-over row,

high pull, curl, shoulder press) with 20lb DBs
15 seconds rest
5x(deadlift with a bent-over row,

high pull, curl, shoulder press) with 25lb DBs
15 seconds rest
10x(deadlift with a bent-over row,

high pull, curl, shoulder press) with 20lb DBs
15 seconds rest
10x(deadlift with a bent-over row,

high pull, curl, shoulder press) with 15lb DBs

5x(DB squat 25lb, DB shoulder shrug 25lb, 10 BW lunges) no rest

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