Jan 8, 2009

Just a Taste

This is my first post on the FMUMF blog. I may be lazy in terms of contributing to this website, but I have been working my ass off this break to get ready to stuff some teams in the spring.

My workout today consisted of a fast pace 2.2 mile run (13:20) then a variation on the exercises Billdozer sent out combined with sprints. Since it was sunny and relatively warm I did these all outside:

100m sprint followed by 1 minute of crunches
100m sprint followed by 1 minute of pushups
100m sprint followed by 1 minute of mountain climbers
100m sprint followed by 1 minute of squat jumps
1 round of suicides then a 2 minute break

then I repeated twice and went inside to start getting ready for the BCS Bowl Championship. Ill take bets... Oklahoma all the way!!

_____________Finland May Unite Marred Flagellum______________

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